A magnificent antique carved fireplace mantel neoclassical figural quarter sawn mirror topper with overmantel lindenwood 81 oa width opening 52 w x 40 h wooden satyr and columns 19th century italy for at 1stdibs mantels wood surround mantles marble oley valley architectural antiques large vintage renaissance revival oak figures french hand louis xvi style mantle solid salvage

A Magnificent Antique Carved Fireplace Mantel

Antique Neoclassical Carved Figural Quarter Sawn Fireplace Mantel Mirror Topper

Antique Fireplace Mantel With Overmantel

Lindenwood Carved Mantel 81 Oa Width Opening 52 W X 40 H

Antique Wooden Fireplace Mantel Carved With Satyr And Columns 19th Century Italy For At 1stdibs Mantels Wood Surround Mantles

Antique Wood Marble Carved Fireplace Mantels Oley Valley Architectural Antiques

Large Vintage Renaissance Revival Oak Fireplace Surround Mantel W Figures
French Hand Carved Wood Fireplace Mantel
A Louis Xvi Style Carved Mantle Fireplace Surround Solid Wood Oak

Oak Architectural Salvage French Antique Fireplace Mantel Carved Figures
Antique Wooden Fireplace Mantel Carved With Satyr And Columns 19th Century Italy For At 1stdibs Mantels Wood Surround Mantles

Custom Carved Wood Fireplace Mantle With Flowers Stevans
Late 19th Century Carved Wood Fireplace Mantel With Detailed Figural And Foliate Elements

Antique Wooden Fireplace Mantle 1900s

Antique French Fireplace Mantel Surround Renaissance Revival Carved Oak

Park Hill Reclaimed Pine Fireplace Mantel

Antique French Gothic Revival Walnut Fireplace Surround Mantel

A Magnificent Antique Carved Fireplace Mantel

Master Hand Carved Fireplace Mantel French Rococo Inspired Design

Large Antique Oak Fireplace Mantel
Magnificent antique carved fireplace mantel sawn mirror topper with overmantel lindenwood 81 oa width wooden marble mantels large vintage renaissance revival oak french hand wood mantle surround